Monday, January 17, 2022

A Valentine Heart Pop-Up Card

A Valentine Heart Pop-Up Card 
This card can fit into an A7 envelope for mailing.

The front of this Valentine card has three layers - a foil layer for color, a doily layer with paper cut-outs and a foil cut-out of the word "Love".

Another foil cut-out of the word "Love" is glued to the interior of the card.  The paper heart with the three tabs is glued to the interior of the folded card.  The bottom tab of this heart is placed in the center of the card on the edge of the fold and glued to the base as shown above.  

The two upper tabs are glued at a right angle to the card.  Placement is shown in the photo above on the top right. Open and close the card to make sure that the placement is correct before gluing.

Glue the red foil, heart doily and love bird embellishment to complete the card.


  1. Beautiful, i made it for my parents.
    They will be married for 60 years on 8 februari.
    Thank you for the file.


    1. sweet of you to make this card for your parent's 60th anniversary. I am honored that you made this card for them from my design. Congratulations to your parents and wishing them many more years of happiness together! đŸ’•
