Monday, August 31, 2020

A STEM Project: More Inscribed Polyhedra Based on Pacioli's Divine Proportion Book

In the style of Da Vinci's polyhedra model drawings from Pacioli's Divine Proportion book, I inscribed more polyhedra in this blog posting.  I think these are excellent models for students to explore the concept of stellating and truncating Platonic solids.

The top row is the original Platonic solid with their truncated solid inside. 
The bottom row is a stellated Platonic solid with their original Platonic solid inside. 
From left to right in both columns, the models are a tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron.

Here is the PDF. I used 65 lb. cardstock to make the models.

Here is the .Studio file.

Here is the SVG.

A truncated tetrahedron inscribed inside of tetrahedron. 

A tetrahedron inscribed in a hollow elevated tetrahedron.

A truncated cube inscribed in a hollow cube.

A solid cube inscribed in a hollow elevated cube.

A solid truncated octahedron inscribed in a hollow plane octahedron.

A solid plane octahedron inscribed in a hollow elevated octahedron.

A solid truncated dodecahedron inscribed in a hollow plane dodecahedron.

A solid plane dodecahedron inscribed in a hollow elevated dodecahedron.

A solid truncated icosahedron inscribed in a hollow plane icosahedron.

A solid plane icosahedron inscribed in a hollow elevated icosahedron.

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