Sunday, January 26, 2025

A STEM Project: Using A MakerPort To Animate a Valentine's Gnome Tree

Using A MakerPort To Animate a Valentine's Gnome Tree

Please note: This blog entry is just the construction of the paper portion of the project with the MakerPort connections. I will update the project soon to include the coding necessary to operate the neopixel and the sensors with the MakerPort.

This Valentine's box is animated by the MakerPort. The MakerPort, is a basic kit which provides the capability to bring a paper project alive. I used an additional component of an Adafruit Neopixel ring to illuminate the project.

Valentine's Day is near and I animated my Valentine's Gnome Tree to add to the festivities of the day.   My Valentine's tree is surrounded by Gnomes who are handing out their Valentine's wishes with letters and hearts.  By pushing one of the colored Valentine's hearts at the base of the tree, different actions are produced by the MakerPort such as wishing you a Happy Valentine's Day, illuminates the LED ring, plays two different songs based on the touch sensor which was pressed.

You can print and cut this design with scissors or use the files for an electronic paper cutter. I used 65 lb. white, pink, pink glitter and pink foil cardstock.

Here is the PDF.

Here is the .Studio file for Silhouette users.

Here is the SVG for all other electronic paper cutters.  The file extends beyond the scope of the viewing field.  Zoom out to see the entire file.

The tree is made up of two sides which slide into one another.  Each side of the tree is three ply. The outer two plies have tabs at the bottom. Glue the three plies together to form the one side by aligning the designs. Do not apply glue to the bottom tabs. Repeat for the other side.

Glue on the flowers to each side of the trees. There are three sizes of pink flowers.  Three or four big flowers, five medium and five small flowers on each side of the tree. There are also eight or nine hearts on each side of the tree.

Slide the cherry tree pieces together to form a 3D tree.

Make the gnomes by gluing two gnome pieces together.  Do not glue the tabs as these tabs will be splayed to form a stand for the gnomes as seen in the photo to the right. Glue on the embellishments to both sides of the gnomes.

Insert the tabs of the gnome into the gear with the set of four small holes. 

Splay the tabs and glue them down. Repeat for all of the remaining gnomes.

Insert the tabs of the cherry tree into the gear axle with the four slits.

Splay the tabs and glue them down as shown above. Set this piece aside.

Make the bottom of the box. Crease the bottom of the box as shown above.

Glue the tabs of the sides together and apply glue to the inner tabs of the box. Adhere the bottom of the box to the tabs.

Turn the box over and apply glue to the tabs.  Adhere the bottom of the box.  The box is two walled to make a sturdy box.

Glue the flowers onto the outer gear casing.
Glue the three gears together to create a sturdy gear that will rotate without warping. 

Stack the outer gear casing and the two box tops together. Align the holes for the neopixel LED light by threading the posts through all of the holes. The four remaining holes in the center are for the touch sensors. Check to make sure that they are aligned also.

Remove the neopixel and the two box tops.  Keep the orientation of all of the items the same.  Remove the neopixel.

Place the gear with the gnomes on top of the outer gear casing.  Place pink sparkle outer gear casing on top of the stack.

Glue the pink sparkle outer gear casing to the tabs of the outer gear casing. Repeat for all of the tabs.  I like to glue the opposite tabs together so that the casing will be aligned properly.

Thread the neopixel through the holes and align them again with the box top.             
Apply glue to the tabs of the box tops (as shown above) and adhere one of the box tops. 

Apply glue to the tabs in the inside of box top (not shown) and adhere the other box top.

Apply glue to the top of the box as shown on the right.

Adhere the top of the box and align the neopixel. I know...we keep aligning the neopixel and then removing it.  It's necessary so that everything remains in alignment.

Bend the round base of the tree so that the neopixel can sit on top of the round base.

Glue the flowers to the hearts. (I changed the sparkle hearts to white ones because the pink sparkle did not show up on the pink sparkle background.) Insert the earring back into the center hole to make a sensor.

Align the hole in the earring back and the hole in the base of the tree.  I recommend placing an earring back without anything in the aligned hole.  Place a sensor with a heart into the hole and add an earring back to support the sensor.  Repeat for the other sensors.

Top view to show location of the touch sensors.

Add the connectors for the neopixel as shown above.  I wrote down the location of each colored wire for the neopixel and the sensors. on the back of the base. Attach the neopixel as shown in the wires above.

Remove the earring back and replace it with a colored wire connector. Two of the wires are connected and two more need to be connected in the photo above. Complete connecting all of the wires for the sensors.  Make sure to write down a schematic of the location of each of the sensor wires.  Here is my schematic.

Red wire - White heart with pink sparkle flower
Black wire - Pink foil heart with pink sparkle flower
White wire - Pink foil heart with white flower
Yellow wire - White heart with pink foil flower