Sunday, August 18, 2019

A STEM Project: An Amusement Park Ride Called a Whip

An Amusement Park Ride Called a Whip

When I was a little girl, this was my favorite amusement park ride.  This ride spins around an oval track and throws you against the side of the seat when you go around the curve of the oval.  It is nice to know that Trimper's Amusement Park in Ocean City, MD still operates this ride so you can experience the fun of this ride.

When operating this whip, both knobs need to be turned simultaneously because equal pressure needs to be applied to both axles. If just one knob is turned, the belt goes out of alignment because this model does not have a top spacer and a casing to keep everything aligned.

Whip Ride in Action

I have included my calculations for making the gear, belt and chair assembly in both files.
Here is the PDF.  I used Silhouette chipboard and 65 lb cardstock for this model.

Here is the .Studio file.

Glue the three pieces of the box top sides together. Form into a circle and glue.  Repeat for the three sides of the box bottom.

Bend the tabs of the box top and apply glue to each of the tabs. Adhere the inside top of box to the tabs. Repeat for the bottom of the box.

Turn the bottom of the box over and apply glue near the sides of the box bottom. Adhere the bottom of the box to the glue. 

 Attach the bottom of the box to the top of the box. Set it aside.

Glue the belt into a circle by gluing the tabs. Precision matters so glue carefully by aligning the paper.  The dotted line should be barely seen.

Bend the chair belt assembly as shown above and glue the triangular extensions and the seat platform together. 

Repeat for all of the chair belt assemblies.

Glue the chair belt assemblies to the belt. The holes need to be aligned exactly so care is needed when attaching the two belts together,

Repeat for all the chair belt assemblies.  Set this aside for now.

Glue the chipboard to the top of the box.

Apply glue to the axles and make them into square axles. See if you are having problems making it.

Glue a base onto the axle and slide through the hole as shown. Repeat for the other axle.

Make the two spacers by aligning the center square and circle. Apply glue to the tabs and adhere them.  I used tweezers to help adhere the glue.

Slide the spacers onto the axles.

Completed gear on top was made by placing the pieces in the second row, from left to right, gluing one on top of the other.

Slide the gear onto the axle and thread the belt onto the gears. 

Slide the circle with a square in the middle onto the axle and glue the tabs of the axle down onto the circle as shown above. From left to right at the bottom the above photo are the five pieces that need to be glued together to form the knob. Glue the knob to the center of the axle. Repeat for the second knob.

Make the chairs by gluing on the sides.

Bend the chairs upright and apply glue to the inside chair ridges. Bend the seat and adhere the seat to the glue on the chair ridges.

Completed seat on the left.

Glue the seats onto the chair belt assembly. Make sure that the seat is centered on the seat platform.

Apply glue to the top of the box as shown

Adhere the whip assembly onto the top of the box.

Make the embellishments by gluing the strips together.  Accuracy matters in gluing these strips.  Make sure that the dotted lines are barely showing. Glue the blue starred strip onto the white strip.

Using a glue stick, apply glue to the embellishment and glue onto the white strip. Repeat for all of the embellishments so that it will look like the photo below.

Slide it onto to the top of the box to make sure it will fit correctly.  

Embellishment being slid onto the top of the box.  Once it looks ok, glue into a circle.  Glue the embellishment onto the top of the box.

Inside of the top with the embellishment to show placement.

Completed box.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

A STEM Project: Making a Ferris Wheel Spin with a Gear and Timing Belt

Ferris Wheel with a Gear and Timing Belt

One of my first models that I created was a Ferris Wheel. Here is the blog entry: This Ferris wheel rotated around an axle to allow it to spin freely when moved.  In this current model, I used the wheel from this model and I incorporated a gear and timing belt which moves the Ferris wheel when the knob is turned.

Ferris wheel rotating when the knob is turned.

Side view of the timing belt in action

Here is the PDF.  I used 65 lb. cardstock and chipboard for everything except the timing belt. I used 20 lb. copy paper for the timing belt.

Here is the .Studio file.

I have included my calculations for making the gear and timing belt in both files.

Make the Ferris wheel.  Please refer to the blog entry mentioned above for directions on making the wheel.

 Make the axles.  The square axle goes into the presentation box and the round axle is for the Ferris wheel. The square axle is the improved axle design with a cross beam in the center of the axle. It was made in this blog post.
Align similar gears together and glue three pieces of chipboard. Sandwich two pieces of cardstock on either side of the chipboard. The photo above shows a completed gear on top.  Repeat for the second gear.  

 Glue the casing together by aligning the circles and sandwiching the chipboard with the cardstock. When gluing the pieces together, don't use too much glue as the tabs need to be inserted.  Later the glued pieces will be pulled apart to insert the tabs.

 Photo above is not correct. The holes are not aligned on the casing on the right. Make sure to align the holes and sandwich the chipboard with the cardstock.

 Completed casing with holes aligned correctly.

Make a line on the axle at the one inch mark.  Do not include the tabs in this measurement. See photo above.
Make the spacers by aligning the tabs together and the center circle together.  Repeat for the square center that is not shown. A total of four spacers are needed...two with circle centers and two with square centers.

 Thread a spacer and the gear with the round hole in it to make the Ferris wheel axle.

On the left, the gear has an X in the middle.  Push this X outward with a pencil. The photo shows the difference between the two gears.

Thread this X gear onto the axle.  Glue the X gear onto the gear and glue the tabs to the axle.  Make sure that the axle is glued at the one inch mark that was previously placed on the axle. Gluing the gear to the axle is necessary to prevent the gears from slipping.  I did not need to do this for the square axle because the design of square corners prevented the slipping. Thread another spacer onto the axle to complete the axle assembly.

 Repeat for the square axle.   Again, make sure that the gear is aligned at the same location as the previous gear.  Everything needs to be aligned properly for the gears to rotate correctly. Complete this axle assembly by threading a spacer onto the axle.

Here is what a completed square axle assembly looks like.

Make the timing belt by gluing it together to make one long strip.

Thread the axles onto the casing.  (not shown)
Glue both center tabs to the casing by prying open the seam and inserting the tabs. I indented the center cross piece a little so that it does not interfere with the timing let's movement. Mesh the timing belt through the teeth on one gear and then the other.  Glue the timing belt together.

Pry apart the glued casing ends and insert the tabs. Glue the tab to the casing.

 Repeat for the other tab.

Timing belt and gear assembly

Presentation Box

Insert the square axle into the presentation box.

 Thread a gear onto the axle and glue down the tabs to the gear on one side.

Make the knob for the axle by gluing four pieces of chipboard together and gluing two pieces of cardstock onto either side of the chipboard.

Thread a gear onto the axle. The axle extends about a quarter of an inch from the presentation box. Thread the knob onto the axle. 

Glue the tabs of the axle onto the knob.

Glue the support pieces together by gluing the cardstock onto either side of the chipboard. Repeat for the second support piece.

Glue the support piece to the inside of the presentation box at the dotted line on the support piece. Repeat for the second support piece.

Ferris wheel and X circle.

Thread the Ferris wheel onto the axle.  Glue the X circle to the Ferris wheel and apply glue to the tabs of the X circle.  Adhere the tabs to the axle. Thread the axle through the supports.

Thread a round circle with a hole in the center to the axle. Repeat for the other side.

Glue the tabs of the axle to this circle. Repeat for the other side.

Glue a star onto the center of the circle. Repeat for the other side.

Glue the sides of the presentation box as shown. Do not apply glue to the ends because this is where the side slides onto the front piece.  Repeat for the second side.

Apply glue as shown 

Slide the top of the ends into the slot at the top and then align the bottom of the box. Repeat for the other side.
Glue the corners down on the presentation box.

Corners glued down.

Pieces to make the knob.

Glue them together and glue onto the center of the knob.

Align and glue the gear to the center of the presentation box gear.

Completed Ferris wheel with gear and timing belt.